Thursday, December 04, 2008


who wants to go to parkdale tonight?


Jenn L said...

i can do something after work, i have a play date with friends at 8.

ross said...

You beat me to this posting. I'm down for sure. Early works for me. Looks like it starts at 7pm. I'm down to have people over for a drink at my place before hand if that works.

Jenn L said...

ok well i have to be at college and bathurst at 8.

so if anyone wants to do something apres work let me know.

Anth said...

having a drink at the welly at 5 with work folk, y'all are invited. then i'm going to drop off my BAG and head to ross'sss.

Tangster said...

I'm down for that if it's early, (yes I know, it's the rare and seldom heard from Tangster)

ross said...

Sounds like a plan, gang-o-bitches. See ya'll at 5ish.

Jenn L said...


Milks said...

I'm out, I feel like a bag of d***s today.